“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” ~Winston Churchill
As young adults, we often times think that we know what the future holds for us and that anything that comes our way will be predictable. Perhaps we may even find ourselves guiding our own path and maybe even choose to learn as we go. tippmix eredmények tegnapi Although it may seem like a driven method of attacking tasks and enduring a journey, there is a better way to do so– finding and learning from a mentor.
Why Relearn What’s Already Been Learned?
At Novus, we get it. Most millennials would much rather prefer to explore the world and its challenges on their own. However, if you take a second to think about it, much of what we already know has been discovered by someone or some group of individuals before us, and much of what we think we don’t know has most likely been discovered by someone else as well. ingyenes nyerőgépes játékok kockás This brings up the question– why relearn what’s already been learned? If you’ve been following along, Novus not only encourages learning but stresses its importance as well. But it is also important to realize that time is precious, and we can’t possibly relearn and rediscover everything that people in the past have already endured if we want to be successful. This is why having a mentor is extremely valuable. Knowing someone who has been through the career or industry you’re interested in allows for you to gain much of the insight and tips that your mentor may have wished he/she had when they were in your position.
Don’t Make the Same Mistake Twice
At some point in our careers, we all make some kind of mistake, including potential mentors. Sure, some might say that we learn from our mistakes, but why go through the trials and difficulties if a mentor can explain what they learned from their mistakes themselves– especially if the mistake is costly. Having a mentor not only allows you to avoid these types of mistakes, but provides you with better wisdom and appreciation for whatever that mistake may be. bukmeker am
Develop a Better Professional & Personal Life
Mentors not only have experience in your interested career choice but have also lived through life as well. Being successful is a matter of both your professional and personal persona. Not only can a mentor support growth towards your professional aspirations by sharing their industry experience– they can also act similarly to counselors and teachers by guiding you through the important things in life.